Monthly Archives: March 2022

Lack of Sleep

Why it is Important to get Your 8 Hours

You have heard the old adage time and time again, you should get between 6-8 hours of sleep. Whilst achieving a minimum of 8 hours seemed all too easy as a child, living a busy adult life makes it increasingly difficult to achieve your targeted shut eye. 

What seems lost on a lot of people is that there are many reasons you should get 8 hours of sleep. 

In fact, around 36% of Adult in the UK struggle to fall asleep at least one night a week. Additionally, 1 in 3 adults unfortunately suffer from insomnia at some point in their lifetime. 

At UK Bedstore, we care about you maximising your sleeping experience. That is why we would like to highlight a few of the key reasons you should get your recommended sleep as well as outlining some of the helpful techniques you can implement to ensure you are falling asleep more efficiently and getting the previously mentioned shut eye for all of the nocturnal people amongst us. 

So have your metal bed, cheap leather bed, day bed or whichever bed of your choosing and get ready to maximise your sleeping pattern. 

Helping You Lose Weight and Stay Physically Fit

Has part of your new years resolution been to lose weight or to stay physically fit? Or have you been looking to get in shape more recently? 

If this is the case; you might have overlooked one very simple and effective technique. It might surprise you to know that getting more sleep will drastically improve the chances of your losing or maintaining weight. 

When you have less sleep, you naturally have a lot less energy. Because of this; you will crave food. You will also crave food’s which carry a larger amount of calories, carbonates and sugar to compensate for the lack of energy and alertness. It might go without saying but foods which contain more carbs and sugars will make you put on weight.

Studies have found that adults that have less than 7 hours a night have a 41% increased chance of developing obesity. Also, the same study found a significantly decreased desire to exercise due to the lack of sleep obtained. 

So if you are trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight, you might want to consider hitting the hay and getting your recommended 8 hours. 

Improving Brain Functionality and Productivity

Not getting enough sleep can result in much more than just dizzy moments or being clumsy. Not getting enough sleep can massively affect how your body and more importantly your brain functions on a daily basis. 

A tailored study looking at different physicians illustrated this perfectly. The study found that doctors with very high sleep impairment were 97% more likely to make a clinical medical error. Likewise, sleeping more can improve your memory. 

So next time you are resting your head on your metal bed frame struggling to sleep, remember getting the sleep will be massively important to increase your day to day functionality. 

It May Strengthen Your Heart

Looking after your ticker is one of the most important things you can do. For many of you who thought strengthening your heart was reserved for increasing the amount of cardio you do, however, sleeping an adequate amount of time can improve the health of your heart. 

Studies have found that sleeping more than 6 hours can decrease the chance of heart disease by 4.6 percent. 

Increased heart function can prolong your life. If this is not a good enough reason to start getting your 8 hours, I don’t know what is. 

Improving Your Physical Performance 

As previously touched upon, having an early night can lead to better physical performance especially regarding sports. 

Not even considering the fact that sleeping more improves alertness and your mood, getting at least 8 hours of sleep is vital in your recovery from exercise. 

When you do any exercise but especially sports such as weight lifting, you tear little muscle fibres and when they grow back stronger which makes performing the same exercises a lot easier next time. 

Most of the time the muscle fibres rebuild is during sleep. So if you aren’t sleeping enough, your muscles won’t be rebuilding properly which will lead to you feeling weak and sometimes ill. 

Mental Health 

Mental health awareness month might not be until May but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taking steps to improve it right now. 

Poor sleeping patterns are heavily linked to depression. Whilst there are many complicated and varied reasons this is the case, having a more structured pattern of sleep as well as generally improving the quality of sed sleep can massively improve your mood or so studies have shown. 

So whilst depression and anxiety can affect your sleep directly, ensuring you get sleep can offer a potential solution to the aforementioned problems. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding how much sleep you should be getting or how to get more sleep, do not hesitate to contact us

Furthermore, be sure to keep up to date with our website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates regarding new products. From Kaydian beds to Birlea bed furnishings, we have got you covered!

National Bed Month 2022

Ways To Celebrate National Bed Month in 2022

Cheap leather beds to practical high sleeper beds to day beds to special edition Victorian style beds. With so many different beds to enjoy, the ever expanding world of premium sleeping arrangements seems all the appealing. 

Since the year 1990, the month of March has been dubbed national bed month in the UK. The month is dedicated to improving a variety of bedroom features such as the quality and durability of your bed frame, ensuring you have clean and suitable sheets and even reinvesting in bedroom furnishings. 

Above all else, the month pushes you to get a better night’s sleep. There are numerous ways you can do this. 

Celebrating national bed day in 2022 will be very different compared to the celebration in 2021. Casting your minds back to March 2021; many of us were confined to our homes meaning we had to enjoy national bed month in our bedrooms alone. Many bed outlets were shut, making it no easy task to make new bed purchases. 

Luckily, 2022 offers much more variety and openness. So we thought we would why not look at the different ways you can enjoy national bed month in 2022. 

Spend The Whole Day In Bed

In 2021, many of us were forced to take unwarranted and unwanted full days in bed. Since then; many national restrictions have been lifted. You might argue that because of this, there are not as many self proclaimed bed days being had.

This March we employ you to re-establish this tradition. Take a couple of days in bed this month. Just think about it, a full day when all you have to do is lie in bed binge watching that new television series you love. Having breakfast in bed as you snuggle further into your blanket in your fresh clean pyjamas. 

Spending the whole day in bed can drastically improve your general mood and personal wellbeing. 

You might also be surprised to learn that having more days in bed can actually boost productivity as supposed to being to its determinant. This is largely due to the fact that when you are well rested you achieve and accomplish more. 

All this being said, there is not much point in spending the whole day in bed if your bed or subsequent bedroom is not up to scratch. 

Reinvigorate Your Bedding

All this being said, there is not much point in having a bed day if your bed or subsequent bedroom is not up to scratch. 

One of the easiest and effective ways to improve your overall sleeping experience is by regularly changing you bed sheets. Surveys have found that most people in the UK change their bed sheet on a fortnightly basis; however, it is actually recommended to change your sheet on a weekly basis. 

By changing your sheet on a weekly schedule, this ensures that your sheets do not see a build-up of harmful bacteria and germs. Frequently changing your sheets also makes your sheets comfier for just day to day use. 

This national bed month be sure to give your bed sheets some much needed attention. 

Time For A New Mattress?

One of the quintessential components of any bed is of course the mattress. We have recently touched on how an inadequate mattress can lead to potential back problems and other more common discomforts. 

A mattress needs to be comfy and practical. If you do plan on taking some of the aforementioned bed days this national bed month, you won’t want to lie on an uncomfortable and potentially harmful mattress.

If you are showing symptoms of back pain due to a subpar mattress, maybe it is time to invest in a new mattress today. 

Start A Sleep Diary

One of the more unusual ways to celebrate national bed month, maybe you should start a sleep diary. 

Before commissioning a sleep diary, you must ask yourself what are your aims of the sleep diary. Is it merely for novelty or leisurely purposes? Or do you wish to use your findings to improve the quality and amount of sleep you get? 

We are not suggesting that you start a detailed description of your dreams or sleeping pattern that could be published in a high end scientific journal. But a general noting of your daily sleeping routine would be more than sufficient. 

Purchase New Bedroom Furniture

Moving away slightly from the typical talk of bedding and mattresses, this national bed month, perhaps you should purchase new bedroom furniture. 

Whether you are need of a beautiful new serene furnishings oak table or a custom made faux leather headboard, we are sure we will have to fit your requirements. 

Enact A Digital Detox

As previously alluded to, there were varying degrees of restrictions last year meaning collectively; we had to rely on socialising digitally. 

This might have been very enjoyable last year but many scientists empathise the importance of taking time away from your screens. 

Unsurprisingly, the same scientists advocate less screen time as they suggest this improves your quality of sleep as well as making it much easier to fall asleep in the first place. 

How Are You Celebrating National Bed Month? 

How are you celebrating national bed month in 2022? Will you be trying any of our tips or tricks?

If you would like to learn more about our extensive and diverse range of products, please get in touch.  And why don’t you keep posted on our social media throughout this year’s national bed month. 

Your Guest Room Guide

Day Beds or Upholstered Beds: The Guest Bedroom Guide

It has been the topic of much debate for many homeowners; should you have a guest bedroom? Furthermore, what features should be included in this room? Should it have a cosy day bed or a deluxe upholstered bed

Whilst there are many features we know your guest bedroom should not feature. For example, you probably should not install a mid sleeper bed and try to avoid metal beds. There are few features we know for sure should be included. 

At the UK Bed Store, we want to ensure every bedroom in your home is in the shape possible. So before you start work on installing a deluxe metal bed frame, read up on some of our tips. If you follow these tips, we are sure you will have your own guest bedroom masterpiece in no time. 

Why Do You Need a Guest Bedroom? 

Before we delve into what constitutes a successful guest bedroom, we will want to consider why you require one in the first place. 

The guest bedroom used to be reserved for those of us who had the pace or even money to spare. In the early 2020’s, there are a lot of homes that have the guest bedroom as a permanent feature. 

This could be due to the fact that a lot of guest bedrooms were previously children’s rooms. Once your child eventually bucks up the courage to move out, parents are present with a big problem. 

What to do with the recently vacant room. Many parents (more specifically fathers) will turn the room into a games or even trophy room. Arguably, most spare rooms are used as a guest bedroom. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 90% of all so-called spare rooms are now guest bedrooms. 

If you do not have one already, you might be missing out. 


One of the many reasons people choose to have a guest bedroom is because of the incredible feeling of functionality they offer. The frequently mentioned room can be used to house family members and friends alike. 

This is perfect if you have had some family members over around Christmas time and it is too late for them to get a taxi so they can simply stay over in the guest bedroom. 

Additionally, though you might not like to admit it, you can use it too. For example, if your significant other is snoring rather loudly making it increasingly difficult to sleep, you can just climb into the guest bed. Well that is assuming the bed is already vacant. 

The guest bedroom can also be used as a fantastic way to store household items and even clothes. 

Make Luxurious But Not Too Luxurious

When constructing your guest room masterpiece, you want to make the room spacious and luxurious. But not too luxurious though. 

Whilst this approach might seem rather counterintuitive, if you perfect this approach, you will have the perfect guest bedroom. When you think about it, you will want to promote an element of luxury to your would be guest.

However, if the bedroom closely resembles a five star hotel, your guest might think you are over compensating. Or potentially worse, they will think you are trying too hard. 

Ways to make your room more tasteful could include: 

  • Ensuring you do not overspend on accessories such cushions or bedroom ornaments 
  • Identify the best size bed
  • Do not overcrowd your room with blankets or excessive curtains
  • Change potentially flashy light fittings
  • Do not overspend on duvets, pillows and mattresses
  • Do not make the bed frame inconvenient for your guest


Often overlooked when constructing any room, the general decor of the room. Arguably the biggest feature in this regard is the subsequent furniture. 

Bedroom furniture can cause quite the conundrum. Whilst it seems pretty obvious that you will require cupboards and drawers for storage, is any other furniture required? For example; you could include a coffee table, bedside draws or even a drinks holders. 

Then you might have to ask, where do you get the furniture from? Luckily, Serene Furnishings offer unique and high quality furniture perfectly suited to your bedroom. They offer exceptional bed frames, deluxe drawers and expertly crafted dining tables. 

One of our personal favourite products is the guest bed underbed trundle bed. Besides having guest in it’s title, they also fit perfectly next to a daybed as well as offering more sleeping space. 

Choosing the Right Bed

Potentially the centrepiece of your soon to be masterpiece, the bed is quintessential when it comes to the success of your room. With so many options available, it can be difficult when navigating this potential mind field. 

Luckily, we are here to help break down which bed will best suit you: 

Daybed– Day beds are many peoples first choice when it comes to your guest bedroom’s bed. This is largely due to it’s incredible versatility. The bed can be simultaneously used as a simple sofa whilst still not losing any comfort for the end user. 

Upholstered Beds– Less practical but arguably more luxurious. Upholstered beds offer a great range of comfort unrivalled by many of its competitors.  

Wooden Beds- Often a cheaper alternative to metal beds, wooden framed beds offer a homely bed whilst not breaking the bank. 

Metal Beds– Definitely more durable than their wooden counterparts, but potentially more expensive. Metal beds are a great choice for your guest bed as they are very strong and are surprisingly quite light making them easy to move. 

French Beds– This rather unique style of bed is undoubtedly stylish and not that common. They can often be seen as quite extravagant but because of this, the bed can come across a bit showy and even over the top. 

Fold Out Beds– Arguably the most practical bed out of this list, the fold out does not offer incredible re-use value like some of the options listed above. 

What to Populate Your Bedroom With? 

Guest satisfaction should be at the forefront when it comes to how best to tailor your guest bedroom. To ensure they are satisfied with their stay, you will want to ensure they have everything they might need. These are some of the things every guest bedroom should have: 

  • Ample room for luggage and bags
  • A diverse range of toiletries
  • Water bottle and drinking glasses
  • Conveniently located power sockets so they can charge their electronic devices
  • A bedside table and accompanying reading lamp
  • Comfy covers and pillow cases (because who doesn’t want that) 
  • Wardrobes and cupboards

Construct Your Guest Bedroom Masterpiece Today!

So what are you waiting for? Why don’t you get to work on your guest bedroom showcase today? 

You might want to browse our extensive range of guest and normal bedroom products. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.