Daily Archives: February 7, 2022

Bed Sharing

The Unspoken Rules of Bed Sharing

So you have recently picked up one of our double bed frames and accompanying mattress, you are ready to share the all important mattress but you don’t know what the exact rules are. There is so many unspoken rules and procedures, you are trying your best to understand it all. 

If this is you, you need not worry. We have taken them unspoken rules and compiled them into an easily digestible list for you to take from and study. 

Be Generous With the Covers

When it comes to bed sharing, first on the agenda has to be sharing the covers. 

When you are sharing a bed with someone in the winter, how often have you woke up freezing cold because your fellow bed sharer has borrowed (or should say stolen) the majority of the covers. Likewise, in the summer, have you ever had you bed partner dump all the bed covers on you and you have woke up in a puddle of sweat. 

This is a perfect example of why you should always be generous when it comes to cover sharing. No matter what, no one likes a cover hogger or cover dumper. 

Beware of the Snorer

There are approximately 15 million identified snorers in the UK. Subsequently, it is estimated that the 15 million snorers directly affect 30 million partners.  

Because of this, you might be asking; can snoring be cured? 

Sleeping next to a snorer can be quite detrimental to you making the most out of your night sleep. There are quite a few tricks you can do to either stop or limit the amount of snoring you do in one night. From raising the metal bed frame to quitting smoking, we would like to highlight a few steps you can take: 

  • Use nasal spray to ensure you have a clear nasal passage
  • Sleep on your side
  • Raise the head of your bed
  • Quit smoking (if you are a smoker)
  • Stay hydrated
  • Change your pillow regularly
  • Get more sleep in general

If you implement any of the above, it might lead to you stopping snoring and trust us, your bed sharing partner will thank us. 

Watch the Space

Similar to sharing the covers, you might want to ensure you are not hogging the mattress. If you have just bought a brand new double faux leather bed, there is nothing more annoying than only being granted a very small section to sleep. 

When sharing a mattress, there can be unofficial lines drawn. Imagine drawing county lines, but in your bedroom. Normally, people who share beds pick a side of the bed they prefer and stick to it. 

This is not to say your lines can not be crossed for special occasions like cuddling but for most part, you should stick to your chosen side. 

The Cuddle Conundrum 

As previously touched upon, if you are sharing a bed with someone you might be tempted to cuddle. 

There is nothing that would enhance the experience of your cheap leather bed than to share a cuddle with someone close to you. However, not cuddling in the correct manner to dead arms and poor night’s sleep for you and your partner. Three helpful tips we would like to highlight are: 

  1. Ensure your partner is comfortable in the position– just because you feel comfortable in a certain snuggle position does not mean your partner is. 
  2. Know when to call it a day– whilst you might have enjoyed a cuddle for 20 minutes or so, please recognise that sometimes you have to stop cuddling otherwise it can lead to the dreaded dead arm. 
  3. Be careful in the summer– when temperatures sky rocket in the summer, you might not want to cuddle.

We hope these 3 tips are helpful regarding you maximising your cuddling experience.

Ensure Your Bed is the Correct Size

When it comes to bed sharing, you will always make  sure you have ample space when trying to go to sleep. Arguably the best way to do this is by ensuring you have the correct size bed. 

Before making your bed purchase you will have to evaluate what kind of sleeper you are. Are you a starfish sleeper? In that case you might need a king or a super king to allow for the extra room. 

Do you sleep in the fetal position? In that case you might be able to get away with a standard double or even a small double.

Are you both tall? If both of you are well over 6 feet you might need a larger bed. Likewise, if both of you are under 5 feet you might not need such a massive bed. 

One of the quintessential tips for bed sharing is ensuring you have the correct size bed for you and your bed sharing partner or partners. 

Coordinate Your Sleeping Times

If you have had a long hard day or even week, the last thing you want is the person sleeping next to you keeping you awake.

Even if you are a late night reader or have to watch a video before falling asleep, be sure to be considerate to your partner. They might be wanting to get that all important shut eye but if you have your bedside light on whispering to yourself, this will make getting your 8 hours very difficult. 

The same goes for going to bed at different times. If you are working late or if you have been out late with your friends, and clambering into bed in the early hours, make sure you do not wake your already sleeping bed sharer 

A good way of ensuring you do not disturb each other’s sleep is coordinating your sleeping times. Try to share a set bedtime. Also come up with unofficial rules, like no lights on after 11 pm or something like that. 

Contact Us

So if you have any questions about our exciting range of double and single beds which are perfect for sharing, be sure to contact us. 

Also after you have checked out our website, why don’t you check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for more great content.