Monthly Archives: September 2020


Keeping warm this Autumn

So many of us struggle to keep cool in summer, which can greatly impact the quality of your sleep. But what about keeping warm as the weather starts to get cooler? And what really is the best temperature for you to get a great night’s sleep?
There are so many things that impact the quality of our sleep on a daily basis, from stress, to aches and pain, a screaming child to a partner taking up the whole bed. Don’t let the temperature be another factor.

What Is The “Optimum” Sleeping Temperature?

This can be subject to interpretation. So some of us may believe that sleeping in a cooler room gives you a better night’s sleep and prepares you for the day ahead, meanwhile others consider a warmer sleep to offer them a deeper and fuller sleep.
So what does “The Sleep Council” say on the matter?
“Your body is at its lowest temperature when you’re asleep, so a cool 16-18°C (60-65°F) is thought to be an ideal temperature in a bedroom. Temperatures over 24°C (71°F) are likely to cause restlessness, while a cold room of about 12°C (53°F) will make it difficult to drop off.”

How Can I Keep Warm In A Cool Room?

While your room is ideally slightly cooler (yes even into the winter) It doesn’t mean that you cannot use other aids to warm yourself up to fall asleep. If you are one of the many that wants to be warm when you fall asleep, even if your room is at the optimal temperature, there are a number of ways to warm up that can be removed throughout the night.
A great method of warming you up to fall asleep is the trusted hot water bottle. They have always been a firm favourite in many households, and we fully support this. They are at their warmest while you fall asleep, cooling down as the night goes on, allowing you to cool to a good resting temperature.
You may wish to wrap up in warm PJ’s and some nice thick socks. Again this is a great method, if you get to warm you can always peel back the covers to regulate your temperature.
The most common warming method is to add a couple of extra throws or blankets onto your bed. These are great as if you wake up too warm you can peel these away, and the inside of your bed will stay warm enough for you to fall back into a cosy sleep.

Do I Need To Change My Bedding To Suit The Season?

For those of you who already do this, it might seem like an odd question. But there are many of us that keep the same duvets all year round and change our external conditions.
While no one is going to directly tell you that you need to change your duvet to suit the temperature outside, there are a number of benefits to investing in a winter/summer option. And if space is an issue, vacuum bags are great at squashing even the thickest of winter duvets right down.
When it comes to regulating your sleeping temperature, the duvet plays the biggest part. If you are trying to sleep under a giant feather winter duvet in the middle of summer, you’ll quickly find it uncomfortable. And likewise for the thinnest duvet in the heart of winter. Finding a duvet that suits the season will help to reduce the need of other aids such as additional blankets and woolly socks.

Here at the UK Bed Store we understand the importance of a good night’s sleep. That’s why you won’t find us walking around like zombies first thing in the morning! If it’s time to upgrade your bed or your mattress to help improve your sleep get in touch today! Our expert team is on hand to support you throughout the process.